Yard Waste Recycling

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Yard Waste Recycling

As a part of a Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) permit condition for all three DSWA landfills in Delaware.

This means yard waste cannot be mixed with regular trash at the landfill. Yard waste that is separated and not mixed with trash can still be brought to DSWA Landfills, Transfer Stations and Collection Stations where it will be placed in a separate area for recycling. Please view the user fee notice for the current cost to dispose of yard waste at DSWA facilities

User Fee Notice

For information on free yard waste drop-off facilities please visit the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control Yard Waste Information page below:

DNREC Yard Waste Information

Yard waste includes:

  • Grass
  • Leaves
  • Pruning
  • Brush
  • Shrubs
  • Garden Material
  • Christmas Trees
  • Tree Limbs up to 4 inches in diameter