DSWA’s  Administrative Office is now located at 601 Energy Lane, Dover DE 19901 

Cherry Island Landfill and Pigeon Point Landfill Manhole Rehabilitation- Phase 1

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Meeting ID: 830 0039 1352

Passcode: 456630

Five (5) copies of Sealed Bids, in response to Request for Bids for Cherry Island Landfill and Pigeon Point Landfill Manhole Rehabilitation – Phase 1, in which Cherry Island Landfill (CIL) is located at 1706 E 12th Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19809, and Pigeon Point Landfill (PPLF) is located at 1101 Lambson Lane, New Castle, Delaware 19720, will be received by the Delaware Solid Waste Authority (DSWA) at the DSWA’S Dover office, 601 Energy Lane, Dover, Delaware 19901, until 2:00 p.m., on Tuesday, July 16, 2024, at which time all Bids will be opened and read aloud.  DSWA may extend the time and place of the opening for Bids by providing at least two (2) calendar days notice by certified mail, fax, or email to any Bidders who DSWA has recorded as having received an RFB.  If the Bid is submitted by mail or other delivery system, the sealed envelope containing the Bid shall be enclosed in a separate envelope plainly marked on the outside with the notation “Bid Enclosed.”  Bids delivered by any means other than by mail or personal delivery shall be rejected.


The project includes the rehabilitation of eighteen (18) manholes and two (2) pump stations at DSWA’s Cherry Island Landfill and Pigeon Point Landfill.  Manholes and pump stations vary in depth and condition and are part of the leachate collection system.  The positions of the manholes and pump stations can be seen in the Contract Drawings, in Appendix A.  The work includes, but is not limited to, mobilization and demobilization, surface preparations of each manhole for lining, which include but is not limited to, surface cleaning, removal of large debris, removal of existing liner, infiltration inspection, grouting, and rinsing; bypass pumping, replacement of a manhole cone, odor control, and lining of each manhole and pump station using 301-14 Warren Environmental Epoxy and testing.  Additional information and details regarding the scope of work are included in the Project Manual.


A copy of the RFB for Contract C-24-901-NCNP may be obtained by emailing smg@dswa.com or submitting a request at https://dswa.com/resources/rfpbids/request-for-bidsproposals/ on or after May 28, 2024.  DSWA will not be responsible for full or partial sets of the Project Manual obtained from any sources other than stated above or in the project manual, nor shall BIDDER rely upon such other sources or information.


A non-mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, June 6, 2024, at 10:00 a.m.  The location of the Pre-Bid Meeting is at the Cherry Island administration building located at 1706 E 12th Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19809. There will also be a Zoom meeting link that will be emailed to prospective BIDDERS who are recorded by DSWA as having received a copy of the Project Manual. The Zoom link will also be posted to DSWA’S website, https://dswa.com/resources/rfpbids/request-for-bidsproposals/ selecting the contract and clicking on the Contract number.  It is the responsibility of the BIDDER to obtain an understanding of site conditions before preparing a bid.  Accordingly, BIDDERS are encouraged to attend the pre-bid meeting and/or schedule a site visit.  A site visit will also be conducted after the Pre-Bid Meeting.

Each Bid, in excess of $200,000, shall be accompanied by a certified check or surety company bid bond, drawn to the order of the Delaware Solid Waste Authority on the form provided in the Project Manual and in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the “total bid price” as a guarantee that if the Bid is accepted, a contract will be entered into and the performance thereby properly secured.  Additional information regarding bid security appears in the Project Manual.


The BIDDER must submit, with its BID, documentation indicating it is licensed to conduct business in the State of Delaware and BIDDER must meet and comply with all state, local, and federal laws, regulations, ordinances, and requirements in the scope of their Work and comply with any and all licensing and permitting requirements.  All subcontractors used by the BIDDER must be licensed to conduct business in the State of Delaware prior to conducting any work on-site.  A copy of the bid form for this Request for Bids is contained in Section 00410 of the Project Manual and the form of Agreement is contained in Section 500 of the Project Manual. The BID will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible BIDDER who has neither been disqualified nor rejected pursuant to the terms of the Project Manual, and, which in DSWA’s judgement best serves its purposes.


The successful Bidder will be required to execute the Agreement, to furnish a performance bond and payment bond for the work each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the “Total Bid Price” if the bid amount is more than $200,000, and to execute a Hold Harmless Agreement on forms provided in Section 00622 of the Project Manual.  The successful bidder will also be required to furnish evidence of insurance coverage as required by the Project Manual and otherwise comply with the terms and requirements of the Project Manual. BIDDER shall not alter or modify any of the forms contained in the Project Manual.


DSWA reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids which in its judgment is in the best interest of DSWA, and to waive any irregularities or informalities in the Bid or Bid process, and all BIDDERS are notified that such acceptance or rejection or waiver shall be without liability on the part of DSWA for any action brought against DSWA, any or all of its directors, or any DSWA agent, officer or employee, brought by any BIDDER because of such acceptance or rejection or waiver, nor shall any Bidder seek any recourse of any kind against such entity or individuals because of such acceptance or rejection or waiver.  Every BID prepared in response to this notice shall be prepared at the sole cost and expense of the BIDDER and shall be prepared by the BIDDER with the express understanding that any and all claims to reimbursement for the cost and expense of its preparation are waived.  The submittal of a bid in response to this notice shall constitute an agreement of the Bidder to all the provisions set forth in this notice and the Project Manual.


Five (5) copies of the BID shall be submitted to DSWA.  The BIDS shall be, sealed, marked, and addressed as follows:

Delaware Solid Waste Authority

601 Energy Lane

Dover, Delaware 19901

Attention: Renee Hetrick

Bid for: CIL and PPLF Manhole Rehabilitation – Phase 1

Contract C-24-901-NCNP


No BIDDER may withdraw their Bid within one hundred-twenty (120) days after the actual date of opening thereof, except as may be authorized by the Project Manual.


The Project Manual explains the process by which prospective Bidders may submit questions about the

meaning or intent of the Project Manual.


All other inquiries regarding this work shall be directed to:


Renee Hetrick                                     and                              Simone George

Project Manager                                                                      Administrative Assistant

Phone:  302-739-5361                                                            Phone:  302-739-5361

Email:  reh@dswa.com                                                           Email:  smg@dswa.com

Fax:  302-739-4287                                                                Fax:  302-739-4287