Household Hazardous Waste Collection- Delaware Recycling Center
Delaware Recycling Center 1101 Lambson Lane, New Castle, DE, United StatesHousehold Hazardous Waste are collected from 10am-2pm. Household Hazardous Waste can include items such as household cleaners, garden pesticides, oil-based paint, nail polish, fluorescent bulbs, and antifreeze. Electronics Recycling Available […]
Latex Paint Collection- Delaware Recycling Center
Delaware Recycling Center 1101 Lambson Lane, New Castle, DE, United StatesResidents can bring their latex paint to a collection in a quart, gallon or 5 gallon metal or plastic containers.
Document Shredding- Southern Recycling Center (Jones Crossroads Landfill)
Jones Crossroads Landfill 28560 Landfill Lane, Georgetown, DE, United StatesAVAILABLE THE 1ST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH. Paper Shredding- Residents can bring up to 2 file boxes of personal confidential papers for shredding (financial and legal documents, receipts, and tax […]
Household Hazardous Waste Collection- Southern Recycling Center (Jones Crossroads Landfill)
Jones Crossroads Landfill 28560 Landfill Lane, Georgetown, DE, United StatesHousehold Hazardous Waste are collected from 10am-2pm. Household Hazardous Waste can include items such as household cleaners, garden pesticides, oil-based paint, nail polish, fluorescent bulbs, and antifreeze. Electronics Recycling Available […]
Document Shredding- Newark Recycling Center
DSWA Newark Recycling Center 470 Corporate Blvd, Newark, DE, United StatesAVAILABLE THE 1ST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH. Paper Shredding- Residents can bring up to 2 file boxes of personal confidential papers for shredding (financial and legal documents, receipts, and tax […]
Household Hazardous Waste Collection- Newark Recycling Center
DSWA Newark Recycling Center 470 Corporate Blvd, Newark, DE, United StatesHousehold Hazardous Waste are collected from 10am-2pm. Household Hazardous Waste can include items such as household cleaners, garden pesticides, oil-based paint, nail polish, fluorescent bulbs, and antifreeze. Electronics Recycling Available […]
Document Shredding-Cheswold Collection Station
AVAILABLE THE 1ST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH. Paper Shredding- Residents can bring up to 2 file boxes of personal confidential papers for shredding (financial and legal documents, receipts, and tax […]
Administrative & Citizens’ Affairs Committee Meeting
Zoom WebinarDELAWARE SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY ADMINISTRATIVE & CITIZENS’ AFFAIRS COMMITTEE 601 Energy Lane, Dover, DE 19901 Thursday, April 11, 2024 5:00 p.m. Under Title 29, Section 10006A of the Delaware […]
Technical Affairs and Facilities Management Committee Meeting
Zoom WebinarDELAWARE SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY TECHNICAL AFFAIRS AND FACILITIES MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING April 11, 2024 5:00 p.m. Under Title 29, Section 10006A of the Delaware Code, the Technical Affairs and […]
Collection Event- Middletown
St. Anne's Episcopal School 211 Silver Lake Rd., Middletown, DE, United StatesHousehold Hazardous Waste- Product containers marked with words, “Warning: Hazardous,” “Flammable,” “Poisonous,” “Corrosive” or “Explosive.” For example; household cleaners, garden pesticides, oil-based paints only, nail polish, fluorescent bulbs, or antifreeze. […]