FAQ for Bids and Proposals

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FAQ for Bids and Proposals

Q. What is a RFB?

A. A RFB is a Request for Bids issued by DSWA to solicit formal quotations on projects that vary from the construction of a building, construction of a new landfill cell, or paving roadways. AN RFB is issued to the apparent lowest bid.

Q. What is a RFP?

A. RFP is a Request for Proposals issued by DSWA to solicit proposals on projects such as the design of a new landfill cell or recycling services related to electronic goods. An RFP is issued to the most responsive proposer and not based cost alone.

Q. How does DSWA determine whether to issue a bid or a Purchase Order?

A. In general, DSWA issues a bid when the contract amount is greater than $100,000.

Q. What format for specifications does DSWA use for the RFB’s/RFP’s?

A. DSWA uses the ARCOM MasterSpec Specifications/ SpecWare Software to develop the RFB and RFP packages.

Q. What requirements are necessary for a Company to submit a bid or proposal?

A. DSWA requires all businesses to be licensed to conduct business in the state of Delaware. DSWA also requires all forms be submitted in blue or black ink and all forms are signed and filled out completely. Additional requirements are specified in the RFP/RFBs.

Q. How long is the Bid Process and why does it take so long to Award?

A. The Bid process varies depending on the urgency of the project. DSWA generally makes the bid period a minimum of four (4) weeks. On occasion, some projects with a greater urgency may require a shorter bid period. After the bid opening, DSWA and legal counsel generally review the three (3) lowest submitted bids in detail. Next, the Project Manager will recommend Award to the committee meeting. If the committee concurs with the Project Manager’s recommendation, it is presented to the Board of Directors. The Board has final approval. If the Board agrees with the Project Manager’s recommendation, a Notice of Award will be issued. DSWA will update the website to reflect the results.

Q. How long is the Proposal Process?

A. The Proposal Process is longer than the Bidding process. After the Proposals are submitted, DSWA will review and rank the proposals in accordance with the Request for Proposals. Once the proposals are ranked, DSWA will shortlist the Proposers and may conduct interviews. Once interviews are completed, DSWA will make a recommendation to negotiate at the committee meeting. Once staff receives committee approval, DSWA will negotiate terms and pricing with the selected Proposer who best suits DSWA’s needs. Once DSWA is satisfied with the negotiations, DSWA will recommend Award to the next committee meeting. After the committee concurs with the Project Manager’s recommendation, it is presented to the Board of Directors. The Board has final approval. If the Board agrees with the Project Manager’s recommendation, a Notice of Award will be issued.

Q. Can Bids or Proposals be faxed or emailed in on the due date?

A. No.

Q. Can Bids or Proposals be sent through a mail carrier such as Unites States Postal Service, Federal Express, UPS and DHL?

A. Yes. However, DSWA recommends allowing extra time when using such services in case the Bid/Proposal gets lost or re-routed to a different location. If the Bids/Proposals are not received on time, they will be rejected.

Q. What happens if a BIDDER/PROPOSER is hand-carrying a Bid/Proposal and is stuck in traffic, or is running late?

A. If a BIDDER/PROPOSER is hand-carrying a Bid/Proposal and is stuck in traffic or is running late, DSWA cannot accept a late bid. DSWA encourages all BIDDERS/PROPOSERS to plan ahead and allow extra time for travel.

Q. Why does DSWA require an email address?

A. DSWA requires an email address for a quicker turn around time for Addenda and Pre-bid/Pre-Proposal Minutes to be issued.

Bidders and Proposers are responsible for ensuring that they have provided a valid, accurate, and legible e-mail address. DSWA shall not be liable or responsible for any such failure on the part of BIDDER or PROPOSER nor shall DSWA be responsible or liable.

Q. How can the BIDDER/PROPOSER be sure they are receiving addenda?

Under the Contractors/Vendors tab on the DSWA website, www.dswa.com. DSWA has posted an addendum counter which states how many addenda have been issued. It is the responsibility of the BIDDER/PROPOSER to check the counter. In the event the BIDDER/PROPOSER did not receive the addendum, they are to contact Pam Williamson, contracts@dswa.com or the Project Manager to obtain a copy of the addenda.

DSWA does not assume any responsibility for any computer, hardware, software, server, Internet related problems, errors, omissions, delays, or defects, nor shall DSWA be liable for the same.